Milos Bilik

10 Reputation

One Badge

9 years, 60 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Milos Bilik

I wish to study the trend of medical consultations each day during six years. Thus I expect near 2200 datas to analyse.

But some parameters are to consider :

- I don't have yet the datas per day, but the mean is about 2 consultations per day

- as it is difficult to do more than 3 or perhaps 4 consultations during one day (9h30 am - 13h pm), the others if they exist will probably be seen the next day (aso if the next day 3 news consultations occured)

- then, I don't know actually (as I expect the datas or each day but don't have now these datas) if the better distribution will be simply follow a Poisson' law, or exponential, or negative binomial, ..

- do someone have a clue for the better law given what i said ?


Further, I don't have a stastic program especially used for time trend, excepting Systran 13, but I don't believe that this program can be used with a theoric model of distribution, I recall that it does usual tasks, autocorrelations, saisonnal adjustments, .. but with continuous distributions I believe, and a linear model (removing the basic frequencies)

As such program (study of temporal series) is usually sold about 3000$ in France, that I don't expect to be a trader, with only one calculus to do, could anyone tell me how to adjust the better model to the 2200 datas that could be expected ?

Thx for your help, friendly yours;


I attempt to get two (or better, three) datas from an XLSM file. The tools doesn't work. I want then to do some tests about the apparied datas extracted.

Could you help me ? The best I did was getting a matrix result from an XLS (and not XLSM) file, and I don't know what to do with this kind of result, as I want only test some hypothesis as a linear regression with or without least squares, not do learn what to do with this matrix result..

Thx to you,



I'm a very new beginner, and I have a question about getting the data of a curve from a JPG, without using manual measures an too getting more accurate datas.

I wish to fit the curve with a model. The JPG joined, from EU 2015, is about human thermoregulation. I still try to found a model with Mathematica but am uncertain seeing the result as illogic.

Did anyone write something to read curves from a JPG and get coordinates from these curves ? In the JPG, the curve is above, as an 'U'.

Thanks for your advice,


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